There is another kind of religious conservatism that is prevalent amongst Christians.
According to God, there are those who equate holiness with conservatism and associate broad-mindedness with promiscuity. This attitude tends to be prevalent among those who are active in the church who do God a disservice when they impose their puritanical ways on how the church should operate.
They also like to “pay close attention” to what others are doing and act like “gate-keepers”. In modern terms they are what God refers to as “church bouncers”.
These type of church-folks are who God refers to as modern-day pharisees,
God’s statement on modern-day pharisees:
They are hypoChristians. They are prejudice.
This a sculpture God gave to a church-active person who was narrow-minded.
Peace sign (hippie days)
Meaning: You are a free- spirit