Section 5 Building Your Relationship With God - 17 The Holy Church And The Holy Sacraments

There is another kind of religious conservatism that is prevalent amongst Christians.

According to God, there are those who equate holiness with conservatism and associate broad-mindedness with promiscuity. This attitude tends to be prevalent among those who are active in the church who do God a disservice when they impose their puritanical ways on how the church should operate.

They also like to “pay close attention” to what others are doing and act like “gate-keepers”. In modern terms they are what God refers to as “church bouncers”.

These type of church-folks are who God refers to as modern-day pharisees,

God’s statement on modern-day pharisees:

I did not like them then. I don’t like them now.
They are hypoChristians. They are prejudice.

This a sculpture God gave to a church-active person who was narrow-minded.

Peace sign (hippie days)

You are groovy.

Meaning: You are a free- spirit


Question: Do you want to say anything to the church about conservatism?

God’s answer:

Loosen up.
You are too conservative to a fault.

Question: Who are you addressing in the church with this message?

God’s answer:

The church clerics.

Question: Why should they loosen up?

God’s answer:

Empty church.
It’s a big turn-off for people

Question: The church in countries where Christianity is big, like the Philippines, might disagree. The churches here are always full.

God’s answer:

Compared to your population, they are empty.

Question: In all fairness to some priests I know, it seems like it’s the “church folk” who are turning people off and who are calling the shots.

God’s answer:

Who’s their leader?
The buck stops with them.

The buck stops here or with someone means: the responsibility for something cannot or should not be passed to someone else.

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